Saturday, November 29, 2008

Give to Yourself and Help Someone in Need

I have only tried the peppermint mocha and let me say it is delicious!! It tastes like a liquefied Andes mint. Yummy! I can only imagine that the other two are equally as scrumptious.
Now if none of these 3 make your mouth water, remember that on December 1st is world AIDS day. On that day Starbucks will donate 5cents from EVERY handcrafted beverage. So on the 1st treat yourself to a tall Chai, Caffe Latte, or a Vanilla Frap. You will feel a little less guilty and it will taste so much better because you are helping out the less fortunate.
Happy Start to the Holiday Season!!


Artemis Fox, Esq. said...

It is the twisted arsehole in me that started singing "everyone has AIDS!" when I read that. But hey, I'm still all for supporting those in need. Starting the new year, I want to sponsor an orphan in Ukraine.
It was recc'd on a blog I stumbled upon while googling "I Hate the term DH" (means dear husband in blog speak).

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When you want to use your background, download the coding for it and go to your dashboard. Then choose the link "Layout" which is listed at the top under "Manage Blogs".

When that page loads, towards the top under the tab 'layout' will be a link called 'edit html'. click that. Copy and paste the code into the 'Edit Template' field. Preview. If you like what you see, save! And if that doesn't work, let me know and I'll give it a go. You can e-mail me the details or call me with it and i'll copy and paste it in for you.

Happy Hippie said...

Thanks for the website, sicko! ;)

Happy Hippie said...

I thinks it's great you want to sponsor a child. no money wasted there.
Just for the record, I hate the term DH. It is very over used and it looks like a bad word.